


Synonyms and Antonyms of ACE

a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field <took a few lessons with a tennis ace to improve his backhand>
Synonyms ace, adept, artist, authority, cognoscente, connoisseur, crackerjack (also crackajack), dab [chiefly British], dab hand [chiefly British], fiend, geek, guru, hand, hotshot, maestro, master, maven (also mavin), meister, past master, proficient, scholar, shark, sharp, virtuoso, whiz, wizard
a very small distance or degree <came within an ace of being chosen for the part>
Related Words bit, crumb, dab, iota, jot, minim, mite, particle, smidgen (also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), trace, trifle
Near Antonyms infinity, light-year


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